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Earlier, I ran the "fix performance" part of my AVG security package which detected Registry errors, fragmentation, etc and told me it had fixed them All.
I then tried =the free version of Tune up which discovered the same problems and more and, apparently fixed them all except disc fragmentation which, I was told, could wait until next scan. 5minutes after completing this run & remedy of Tune Up, I rant it again and there were still Registry errors - although only 90 or so nratherthan the 500+ of first Tune up run. This time, hard disc needed defragging which, so far, has taken more than 1 hour and is still going strong.
Help please.
The original problem tthat got me startted on this is that my system suddenly decided to make MSN, rather than Chrome, my default browser and is resisting all attempts to change this and / or to remove both MSN & Chrome from my system.
Any ideas on that mess?
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Thank you.