Incorrect payments to AVG bankaccount in Nederland

Hello Wim,

Sorry for not replying in your language. AVG Support is provided only in English.
Could you please explain your issue with AVG in English so that we can understand and assist you better?

In November zijn er via GlobalCollect drie bedragen in totaal 72,92 euro van mijn bankrekening overgemaakt aan AVG in Nedeland op rekening
nummer NL14RABO0304541001 van AVG Nederland bij de RABO bank.
In maart 2016 heb ik Internet Security en Tune Up bij AVG besteld en betaald op dezelfde bankrekening v an AVG.
Daarna heb ik niets meer besteld bij AVG en wil dus 72,92 euro terug op mijn bankrekening.
Wilt u dit direct regelen of mij informeren met welke persoon bij AVG in Nederland ik dit regelen kan. Welk telefoonnr en emailadres heeft AVG in Nederland ?
Gaarne uw spoedige actie voor teruggave van onterechte betalingen.
WJA Jansen

Hello Wim,

Sorry for not replying in your language. AVG Support is provided only in English.
Could you please explain your issue with AVG in English so that we can understand and assist you better?

Wim, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
[Dutch to English]
In November there via GlobalCollect three totaling 72.92 euros from my bank account over to AVG on account Nedeland
number NL14RABO0304541001 AVG Netherlands at the RABO bank.
In March 2016, I have Internet Security and AVG Tune Up ordered and paid to the same bank account o f AVG.
Then I have nothing more to buy AVG and wants 72.92 euros back in my bank account.
Would you like to arrange it directly or inform me of any person for AVG in the Netherlands, I can arrange it. Which phone number and email address AVG in the Netherlands?
Please your urgent action to refund overpayments.
AVG Guru