Install Failed AGAIN SAD SAD SAD

Hello Doug,
You can find answer to your question together with your another post here( ).
Please try keep whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up resolution.
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I'm right with you J Lanford. They should have a class action lawsuit. I was on the phone 2.5 Hrs.
I have nothing yet, the days started for my 2-yrs. I have the same
same error code -OxE0010053. The bad part…AVG did not know what the code was and how to fix it. That is SAD . AVG help us, if you want to be #1 step up and keep it #1. Show us you know what you are doing.And not take over 2.5 hrs and not fix it. I have 4 other computers to download this on.  O-BOY FUN FUN FUN. I like severe gas pains also. $90.00 down to drain.

Hello Doug,
You can find answer to your question together with your another post here( ).
Please try keep whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up resolution.
Thank you.