Thank you for updating the status, Dmitry.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Glad to know that your issue has been resolved.
Feel free to contact us if you need any assistance with AVG.
Have a great day. Stay safe!
Yes, I am using AVG Antivirus free but my OS is Windows 7 x64. Is advice about WIndows update still useful? Thanks.
Could you please post instructions here for all users or send it to my email? I've got exactly the same problem.
When I install AVG Free on my Windows 8 PC, it goes through the process, creates the files on my PC but doesn't create a desktop icon to launch from or put anything into the system tray. The AVG pop-up just closes down but I can see an AVG Service running in my task manager. Any idea why this would be ?
Yes, I am using AVG Antivirus free but my OS is Windows 7 x64. Is advice about WIndows update still useful? Thanks.
Hi Dmitry,
The email steps was sent to get connected with our additional support.
If you are experiencing the issue with AVG Antivirus free, we request you to perform Windows update.
Please restart your PC and check whether you are able to access AVG Antivirus free.
If the issue persist, please create your own post on community which will help us to send you email instruction, if necessary.
Thank you.
No, the coloured plag is not showing correctly in the control panel. How do I attache the image from the screenshot to these replies ?
Hello Stephen,
We will help you in this.
This might have happened due to incomplete installation.
Check in the Control Panel, if the you are able to locate the AVG in the list of programs installed in your PC.
I can see AVG in the installed programmes list and the files/folders have all been created. But there is no icon and nothing in the system tray. I completely removed AVG using AVG Remove and AVG Clear tools and re-installed in safe mode but it's still the same.
I think i had a virus but none of the usual AV software could find it so I have taken my PC back to a factory install and can install browsers and Malware software, but not AVG
Thank you for updating the status, Dmitry.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Glad to know that your issue has been resolved.
Feel free to contact us if you need any assistance with AVG.
Have a great day. Stay safe!
Yes, Dmitry.
Please perform the windows update. Please run AVG clear tool as mentioned in this article to remove AVG Antivirus free program traces.
Once it is done, perform the windows update and then install AVG Antivirus free as mentioned in this article.
Keep us apprised about the status.
Hello Stephen,
We will help you in this.
This might have happened due to incomplete installation.
Check in the Control Panel, if the you are able to locate the AVG in the list of programs installed in your PC.