Installation failure

Hello AVG.
Firstly I have never uses any other security device on my brandnew ASUS laptop.
i7 core
250g SSD
Heaps of ram, etc…etc…etc. top end laptop
runing Win 10, latest upgrade.

Installed and PAYED for AVE pro last year, no issues, however today noticed that there wasn't an icon on my desktop, so with some investigating realised that my licebce had expired.
so downloaded again, and got the above error message (3 times after clicking "Ok").
So i downloaded again…after paying for it, and still no luck.
I have tried the following.

- Dowloading
- Un-installing it.
- Using the removal tool, and following the threads advice
- Installing again with Windows defender turned OFF (as a suggestion on the thread said)

I have been able to install it, however when it asked me to reset the computer, I get an "offical" message telling me that the installation hasnt been competed and gives me an error code (cant remember it, however its on this thread) and tells me to contract customer service…
Which i have, however after waiting 20min online i gave up, and considering i am in Australia, i cant call the US number!
especially as i have only just paidf for the Pro Version, and I would EXPECT as a loyal AVG customer (10+ years on use) i will be compensated for this delay.

Hi, same issue here, about 60% through comes up with a 'MSVCP110.dll  is missing error' (avguix.exe System Error) and then at the end of the install I get the 0xC0070643 Error just like everyone else above. I have a Windows 10/ASUS laptop that has only had AVG on it - I did have the free Antivirus and the trial Internet security versions working before but when I have upgraded to the paid version that doesn't work and neither does the free version now either! Ran the McAfee remover anyway, ran the AVG remover (3 times just to make sure even when it says theres nothing there!), deleted all the temporary files, rebooted twice. Still the same thing. Help please!

I am having the same issue. I have always ran AVG, but kept receiving the annoying Zen pop up, which covered a large part of the screen. (I have text magnified due to sight problems). Uninstalled AVG, with plans to re-install the version without zen. but now received the 0xC0070643 Description: Event exec_finished error when trying to re-install. Have tried AVG remover tool (could not find anything to remove) and also AVG BFE Fix, with no luck. There is no other antivirus software etc running on the machine. I have saved the install fail log if that is any use. 
Thanks in advance

Hello Zakk.
We are sorry to hear about the inconvenience caused. Could you please let us know it is a free version or a paid version of AVG you are trying to install? Thank you.


I am having similar Issue

Error code: 0xC0070643
Description: Event exec_finished

This occurred after my AVG Free stopped running suddenly so I reinstalled

My machine is Core I7 920
12 GB Ram

Problem sorted on one machine, the Medion, thanks to the last link sent me and a windows update on or about 14th October. However, I have bought a new machine, an ASUS X205TA, and unfortunately thei nternet security module does not instal. It behaves dentically to the Medion and I have treied the link that worked with the Medion without sucess.  As there is only 32G of memory on board I have put a 64G SD card in to the SD slot and there is a 2TB drive plugged in to one of the USB ports so there is plenty of storage. The ASUS, originally Windows 8.1, is currently running Windows 10 home.
Any ideas would be appreciated

Hi Chris,
We are sorry to know that. I have sent you an email with steps to get in touch with our technical team. Please follow my email instructions to get this issue resolved. Thank you. Komal, AVG Customer care.

Hello AVG Support,
My name is Roger and I am having the same issue as Tim.  I am trying to install AVG Antivirus Free and it fails every time with error code "0xC0070643" and description "Event exec_finished" when it reaches about 98% installation.  I downloaded various versions from different sites ("AVG_Antivirus_Free_692.exe", "AVG_Protection_Free_698.exe", "AVG_Protection_Free_1115.exe"), and they all fail installation with the same error code at the same point.  I am installing on a new Asus UX305F laptop with Windows10 and 256GB SSD internal hard drive.  It came pre-loaded with a trial subscription of McAffee which is running out, and I wish to switch to AVG.  Can you help?

im getting the same problem(kinda)it says "an unknown issue has prevented internet security from installing.

please give it another tryand if the issue persists contact our friendly support team and give them this code:0xc0070643." i have installed it multipul times and it still seems to get the same outcome,though sometimes it gets further than others.

All these people with the same error 0xC0070643. Can anyone tell me if the AVG additional support & remote assistance actually works. I'd like to know if the issue actually gets solved before I waste more time on this.

The identical things happened and the error recorded was 
Error code: 0xC0070643
Description: Event exec_finished


​I have the free version of AVG and Windows 10 64-bit.

​I had the same problem listed here, I fixed it by installing the program then when the error message came up i closed the program and restarted my computer, once restarted I then start AVG and it had fixed its self.

​PS simply restart the computer once you have installed AVG or the error message comes up, I hope this helps as it worked for me.

I started having some glitched with Internet Security and Tune up stopped working completed. today I tried to repair installation and got the same messages above so tried uninstalling and am unable to re-install due to the same error code. Have tried AVG uninstall tools, removed registry files for AVG and tried the AVG tool to remove any trace of registration. even when completed all 3 above options still fails to install - please help. have had to install a competitor product for now

i am having the same issue and i have tried all the above. running windows 10 64bit. it is a brand new computer so nothing has really been done on it yet. uninstalled mcafee manually and with tool. same thing with avg. noyhing works. i need help.

Same problem here.
I have used AVG remover and the AVG Antivirus Free 2016 x64 offline installer as suggested by Aravind. I have also tried the AVG protection online installer too.
Both gave the same result, same error, 0xc0070643 Event exec_finished.
I am not sure if the use of IObit to uninstall AVG before all the above happened was relevant. Perhaps this initial uninstallation caused the issue.
My objective now is to properly use the free edition of AVG antivirus software.
Any thoughts?

Hello Jay,
We understand how something like this can really try your patience.
Could you please let us know the name of the AVG product you are trying to install in your pc? Could you please let us know whether you have installed any other AVG product or any other 3rd party antivirus product in your pc before?
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank you.

@ Alan Bitch

First, it was not my intention to "post twice" in any forum and if I did - so is life.

Second, you took time to complain but not assist in any way? We have a name for people like you in the military… but I can't say that here.

Now that I have wasted my valuable time responding to someone who's claim to fame is being a "guru" in AVG, please feel free to reply or flag or whatever you do, to this post so you may have the last word to make yourself feel better.

And Happy New Year…


I am also having the same issue and have tried all the solutions provided in this forum post and others. Could you please help me troublehsoot?



I too have this problem, please can you help?

I am also having the same issue and tried doing all of the above and nothing works.
