Installation Internet security

Hi Michel,
Sorry for not replying in your native language. I would like to keep you informed that we support only in English. Could you please elaborate your issue in English so that we could assist you better in resolving the issue?
Thank you.

J'essaie d'installer Internet securité illimité avec Internet_security_1824 et j'ai le message d'erreur 0xe001f98d qui m’apparaît. On me demande de désinstaller mon logiciel présent et de réinstaller, mais je n'ai aucun logiciel installé. J'ai même utilisé AVG remover au cas où il pourrait m'aider mais il n'y a rien à désinstaller . J'ai payé pour un an et je n'ai pas de logiciel.

Hi Michel,
Sorry for not replying in your native language. I would like to keep you informed that we support only in English. Could you please elaborate your issue in English so that we could assist you better in resolving the issue?
Thank you.

Michel, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
[French to English]
I'm trying to install Unlimited Internet Security with Internet_security_1824 and I get the 0xe001f98d error message that appears to me. I am asked to uninstall my existing software and reinstall, but I have no software installed. I even used AVG remover in case it could help me but there is nothing to uninstall. I paid for a year and I have no software.
AVG Guru

Hi Michel,
We regret to hear about the inconvenience caused. We have sent an email to your registered email address to contact our Technical support team via chat to get help. They would install your AVG Internet Security - Unlimited for you. Thank you for understanding.
Please, feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance.