Installation und Aktivirierung AVG TuneUp

Hello Ernst,
We are sorry, but we don't speak your language. Please visit for more help or respond back in English.
Hello, Ernst-august.
We apologize for the delay in response. Currently AVG support is available in English only. From the translation provided by Alan, we understood that you need help to activate new AVG TuneUp - Unlimited subscription on your PC.

You seem to be looking at instructions valid on older version. Please click on this link for instructions to complete the activation.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren !
Ich nutze schon seit Jahren Ihr AVG TuneUp. Da meine derzeitige Version (Abo) demnächst abläuft, habe ich eine Verlängerung beantragt und auch erhalten (Bestellnummer: 952 7******). Leider kann ich die Verlängerung nicht installieren und aktivieren. Wenn ich nach der Vorlage "Erste Schritte" vorgehe, kann ich das Menü "Verbinden" nicht öffnen; somit kann ich auch nicht auf "Verbinden" klicken.
Was mache ich falsch ?
Für eine baldige Hilfe danke ich Ihnen sehr.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ernst-August Remmers
Tel.: 0513******0

Hello Ernst,
We are sorry, but we don't speak your language. Please visit for more help or respond back in English.

Ernst, This Community is basically only English language… Query translation…
[German to English]
Installation and activation AVG TuneUp
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen ! I have been using your AVG TuneUp for years. Since my current version (subscription) expires soon, I have requested an extension and also received (order number: 952 7 ******). Unfortunately, I can not install and activate the extension. If I follow the "Getting Started" template, I can not open the "Connect" menu; So I can not click on "Connect". What am I doing wrong?
I thank you very much for your help.
Best regards
AVG Guru

Hello, Ernst-august.
We apologize for the delay in response. Currently AVG support is available in English only. From the translation provided by Alan, we understood that you need help to activate new AVG TuneUp - Unlimited subscription on your PC.

You seem to be looking at instructions valid on older version. Please click on this link for instructions to complete the activation.