Installing license update

Hello Rajaran,
All that is shown in the top left hand corner is the AVG coloured logo and ‘AVG Antivirus’.   Below are the four dark grey panels headed: ‘Mac Scanner’, ‘File Scanner’.’Realtime Protection’ and ‘Quarantine’. Not the green panels shown on the usual larger display.
I did follow the procedure to install AVG ZEN.  
Please advise what to do next.
Thank you 
Greg Simmons

Hello Gregory,
We are sorry to know about the inconvenience caused. What name do you see at the top left corner of the AVG window which misses the option to 'reactivate'? May I know if you have installed the program 'AVG ZEN' in your computer/laptop? Thank you.

My AVG icon when opened does not display "support' or 'reactivate' to click on in order to update to new license now purchased as directed by AVG email. How do I overcome this ?

Gregory, Mac OS support… Please click on the following link ( and fill out your details, select as Mac OS then the name of AVG Program that you installed in your device and in description please completely explain about your issue and finally click on the 'Start Chat' option. You will start a live, online chat with one of the AVG agents.
AVG Guru

Can I have a reply to my question please.  

Another thought, would it not be simpler to just delete the old AVG and reistall the new from your new link?

I am unable to open the AVG Remover tool as Safari cannot do this. Is there no better way to rejig the license than this than this ?  
I note I can leave AVG ZEN by clicking on it . Would this help ?

Greg Simmons

Hello Rajaran,
All that is shown in the top left hand corner is the AVG coloured logo and ‘AVG Antivirus’.   Below are the four dark grey panels headed: ‘Mac Scanner’, ‘File Scanner’.’Realtime Protection’ and ‘Quarantine’. Not the green panels shown on the usual larger display.
I did follow the procedure to install AVG ZEN.  
Please advise what to do next.
Thank you 
Greg Simmons

Gregory, Also AVG Mac OS products are free (
AVG Guru

Hello Gregory,
Thank you so much for the explanation. I would like to keep you informed that AVG ZEN is mandatory only for AVG multi-device programs. To resolve the issue, I suggest you to remove AVG traces using remover tool( ). Please restart to complete the uninstalling process. After running AVG Remover, you may need to manually uninstall any remaining AVG applications and also 'search' for a folder "AVG Remover"(usually in 'C' drive) and please delete it manually. And then I request you to install your program "AVG Internet Security"( I have also resent the license number to your registered email address.Please follow these instructions and let us know the status. Thank you.