Thanks for trying to help. This computer dual boots windows XP and Linux mint 16. Linux still has no
problem connecting to the internet so I think that eliminates any problem with hardware or ISP's.
Also I use Firefox to connect to the internet so I don't see how changes to internet explorer can help.
There were no infections present in this computer before I downloaded AVG free to try it. I have noticed
some MINIPORT DRIVERS left behind by AVG that I am unable to remove even after running the AVG removal
tool, could that be part of the problem? I have also tried SYSTEM RESTORE to no effect. System restore says
it cannot restore the computer because no changes have been made even though I went back to a restore point
way back in February. I don't know whats up with that because clearly there were changes.
It seems clear to me that AVG made some changes to system files or settings. This was my Dads computer
and I don't know what happened to the original XP install disks so I don't have the option of reinstalling the
operating system.Is there a list someplace of the files and settings changed by AVG so we can track down
which have changed? I have downloaded the winsock utility on another computer but hesitate to run it
unless you think it will do no harm?
Thanks again for trying to help. I hope you will have time to reply to this soon as I am unsure what to do next.
Hi Sam,
We tested it agian and AVG remover should remove it.
Please try use this AVG Remover ( and if it doesn't help please send us Diagnostic output using this tool (
I installed avg free, after install it would not update because it trashed my internet connection. I tried to uninstall from
windows, still no net. Downloaded avg remover from another pc and ran it, still no internet. How do I get my internet
connection back?
many thanks to anyone who can help
You can choose send it or you can upload it to our FTP (
It might be connected to MINIPORT DRIVERS, because they should be uninstalled/removed by AVG remover.
If you open properties of your adapter you should be able to untick/uninstall them.
I am glad that Internet connection is working again.
If Removal tool doesn't remove it it might be because they are remains of old AVG version or something is preventing Remover from running properly.
Please send us diagnostic output so we can analyze it
To delete it please refer to following steps:
1/ Boot into windows safe mode
2/ Delete c:\windows\system32\avgfwdx.dll and c:\windows\system32\drivers\avgfwdx.sys files
3/ Open Regedit and change access rights of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\GR_AVGFWMP (full control for Administrator)
4/ Delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\GR_AVGFWMP
5/ Reboot PC
We tested it agian and AVG remover should remove it.
Please try use this AVG Remover ( and if it doesn't help please send us Diagnostic output using this tool (
OK, I used the tool to upload the file "samfloren@embarqmail.com_31051648.7z". This is from the
second time I ran the tool. I also attached the file generated by the sysinfo tool to an email reply to
Mohammed @ AVG customer care from — I don't know where (the first time I ran the removal tool).
An email from an address I can just respond to when trying to work through a problem like this would
be alot simpler from this end.
Thanks for trying to help. This computer dual boots windows XP and Linux mint 16. Linux still has no
problem connecting to the internet so I think that eliminates any problem with hardware or ISP's.
Also I use Firefox to connect to the internet so I don't see how changes to internet explorer can help.
There were no infections present in this computer before I downloaded AVG free to try it. I have noticed
some MINIPORT DRIVERS left behind by AVG that I am unable to remove even after running the AVG removal
tool, could that be part of the problem? I have also tried SYSTEM RESTORE to no effect. System restore says
it cannot restore the computer because no changes have been made even though I went back to a restore point
way back in February. I don't know whats up with that because clearly there were changes.
It seems clear to me that AVG made some changes to system files or settings. This was my Dads computer
and I don't know what happened to the original XP install disks so I don't have the option of reinstalling the
operating system.Is there a list someplace of the files and settings changed by AVG so we can track down
which have changed? I have downloaded the winsock utility on another computer but hesitate to run it
unless you think it will do no harm?
Thanks again for trying to help. I hope you will have time to reply to this soon as I am unsure what to do next.