Internet security 2016 were insert activation code?

 i want   thank  the staff and people that help me .
staff is very professional and know wery well the solution for every problems.

very very thanks
 best regards

many thanks for fast answer
 Yes  the software installed is  with ZEN  ,  so please can you give to me  address for download  internet security 2016 from a official site  withou ZEN  , because   in the site  i use   there are only one option of int sec 2016  and these is compmprensive of ZEN
 best regards

i have  downloaded  and installed   AVG_internet_security_695 file  ( internet security 2016) .
 i buy  activation code  on line . 
the problem is :   click on  the main menu  section "OPTION" ,  is opening a sub menu' , but   is not present  the label " ACTIVATE2 or reactivate  .
everithing work  fine and the main window option is all green , but i do not know if the software is registered  or when  will expire
 please answare
Hello Utentequattro,

If you don't have options to activate or reactivate then you would have installed our latest AVG Zen multi-device program. These program doesn't have any license number and that's the reason there is no option to activate it. It's activation and installation is totally different.
If you have purchased the license for AVG Internet Security then it is our legacy product and you have to remove this Multi-device program and then install the legacy product for which you have purchased the license.
To remove the Multidevice program please use our AVG remover tool, to download the remover tool click on this link:
2) Run the downloaded tool and follow the instructions displayed on your screen.
3) Your computer will be restarted automatically. After the restart, AVG Remover will finish the uninstallation.
NOTE: Once the AVG Remover Tool has done with its process. Please go to the C drive and look for a folder named as "AVG Remover" and I request you to delete it manually.

To download, install and activate AVG Internet Security program please follow the instructions mentioned in the following article: .
Please feel free to contact us should you need any assistance.
You are most welcome.
Yes, I did provide the link to download the AVG Internet security you can find it in my previous post and the link will be in the article.
You can also download the installer files for AVG Internet Security through this link:
Please feel free to contact us should you need any assistance.
 many thanks for fast answer
 Yes  the software installed is  with ZEN  ,  so please can you give to me  address for download  internet security 2016 from a official site  withou ZEN  , because   in the site  i use   there are only one option of int _sec_ 2016  and these is compmprensive of ZEN
 best regards