Internet Security Identity Protection is stopping

Using the Free 30 trial period of Internet Security I received a message on the AVG Zen that the Internet Security Identity Protection is stopping. When downloading and then running the install it got to 95% and stayed at that point. I restarted and the Internet Security shows Protected. When looking at the laptop with this message,  from other desktop, the desktop shows Internet Security is Protected.

I uninstalled and repeated the installation with the same result.

Is this a common occurrence and how are Zen Messages deleted

Hello Guy,
We do understand your concern. Could you please open the AVG Zen interface and at the top right corner, you can see your email address. Please sign out from your A VG MyAccount and sign in back and see if that fix the issue. Please do not click on "Leave the Network" option.
Thank you

Hello Guy,
That is great to know. It seems that the product got activated to the full version of AVG. We appreciate your time and co-operation in fixing this issue. Feel free to contact us for further query regarding AVG.
Thank you

Hello Guy,
We do understand your concern. Could you please open the AVG Zen interface and at the top right corner, you can see your email address. Please sign out from your A VG MyAccount and sign in back and see if that fix the issue. Please do not click on "Leave the Network" option.
Thank you

Thank you, trial is  now showing Protected.