Internet Security Program Date

I seem to have a problem in getting my point over. I agree with all you say… The point I'm making has nothing to do with virus definition updates, or whether I have the latest program installed.

AVG Internet Security version 17.6.3029  (build 17.6.3625.218) was released on Aug 31, 2017. (see 'Update' page) and has not been updated, as the version number has not changed.

The 'About' page states that 'Software version 17.6.3029 (Last update on Sep 22, 2017)'.
This conflicts with your assertion, and the 'Update' page, that the last program update was on Aug 31, 2017. The label is clearly referring to the program version and not the virus definition file.

The date on the 'About' page appears incorrect or incorrectly titled. Perhaps the label should be modified to: '(Last check for program updates on Sep 22, 2017)' to remove this conflict.

If program updates have taken place I would always expect the version number to reflect this.
OS - Win 7 32-bit fully patched

K Gardner

Hello Keith,
Thank you for providing screenshot. Please be informed that, our latest AVG Internet Security version (17.6.3029) update was on 31.8.2017 and the last virus definition update on your computer is 23.9.2017 (both dates are correct on your AVG Internet Security). Virus definition update and AVG Internet Security version updates are two different updates (we are releasing Virus definition updates in every 2 to 24 hours but AVG Version update might take few days to release their update) and also the both updates will take place automatically so there is no need to worry about the AVG updates.
Best regards,

Hello Keith,
Please be informed that the last update date that shows under Menu->Settings->Update is for virus definition update. The date that is shown under Menu-> About is the program update. Hence it will vary from each other. You can reply here by clicking on 'Write an answer or comment' box.
Thank you.

While monitoring for the next program update, I've noted that the program release date shown via menu-settings-update is v.17.6.3029 on 31.8.17
However on the menu-about page it infers that it was updated on 23.08.17. Is this correct or should this date be titled 'last check for program updates'.

I've tried attaching screen shots (using the mountain symbol) but it requests a URL (I don't have a web site) and I have been unable to attach the two jpeg files. Is there some way round this.

Also, how do I reply/continue after receiving a response to a question.

Hello Keith,
Thank you for providing screenshot. Please be informed that, our latest AVG Internet Security version (17.6.3029) update was on 31.8.2017 and the last virus definition update on your computer is 23.9.2017 (both dates are correct on your AVG Internet Security). Virus definition update and AVG Internet Security version updates are two different updates (we are releasing Virus definition updates in every 2 to 24 hours but AVG Version update might take few days to release their update) and also the both updates will take place automatically so there is no need to worry about the AVG updates.
Best regards,

Hello Keith,
Please be informed that the last update date that shows under Menu->Settings->Update is for virus definition update. The date that is shown under Menu-> About is the program update. Hence it will vary from each other. You can reply here by clicking on 'Write an answer or comment' box.
Thank you.

Hello Neil,

I understand your difficulties. Please do not worry, the case is already escalated to the developer team and they will fix the issue as soon as possible. We do not have an exact time frame for this, however, we are sure that the fix will be released very soon.