Internet security

Hello Renee,

You've reached the AVG community support forum. We'll certainly clarify this for you.
As it isn't advised to discuss personal/account related info here, we've sent you an email with further details. Please check your inbox/spam folders to find the email and use it to get back to us.

Hello, I have paid AVG internet security. When I do a AVG scan of my laptop I am told I have 4 privacy issues.
1. Anyone can see what you do online.
2. Your internet provider may be recording your actions.
3. Your location is exposed
4. Your I.P address is visible 
Are these issues covered in my package? Or are AVG trying to upsell me more products? I'm pretty sure 4 is not covered in my current package.

I also have a gift of 3 months free AVG Tune up with a one-time use of Premium tech support. I have activated the 3 months Tune up. Do I need a code for the Premium Tech Support? As I did not receive one. Or can I just call Tech Support?

Thanks Guys

Hello Renee,

You've reached the AVG community support forum. We'll certainly clarify this for you.
As it isn't advised to discuss personal/account related info here, we've sent you an email with further details. Please check your inbox/spam folders to find the email and use it to get back to us.