Irregular licence behavior for the AVG TUNE-UP product

Dear AVG team, you have just written to me that my AVG Tune up subscription expires today. It would mean that today is the last day I can use my license. Instead NO. You have already inhibited my license for around a week. This operation is detrimental to my rights. This illegal behavior of yours forces me to NOT RENEW the license because of your arrogance. And keep in mind that I have been your client for many years with licenses on many products ... which of course I will not renew in the future for this irregularity. I would really like to know your point of view on this behavior. Thanks
Hello Claudio,
We will have a look into it. Yes, your AVG PC TuneUp got expired today. Your product will be active till yesterday. Do you mean your product shows expired message from last week? Do you have screenshot of that expired message taken few days back? The license might have removed due to some corrupted file and it will be fixed if you reactivate your product. Have you tried with the reactivation process?