Hello Christa,
That's terrible. Let's work out together to fix this issue. To unlock your phone please follow the instructions mentioned in this link: http://avgread.me/1JEloSz .
If that doesn't help, Please click on this link: https://support.avg.com/support_contact_form?l=&retUrl=support_sales .
Select the first option as "YES" and the operating system as "ANDROID"
Fill in the details and click on the option "answer via email".
Once your request is submitted you will be getting the prompt answer via email from our mobile team.
My phone S8 pro got locked out by avg anti theft just now. My son was playing minecraft then suddenly junk mail popped out. He click it and anti theft shows and he click exit. Then phone got locked out. I am thinking how it got lock when i don't even set up an anti theft setting. What i know i installed avg pro in play store for free. Pls help. I don't know what to do. It requires 4 digits of pincode. I don't even know the codes.
AVG Guru
Hello Christa,
That's terrible. Let's work out together to fix this issue. To unlock your phone please follow the instructions mentioned in this link: http://avgread.me/1JEloSz .
If that doesn't help, Please click on this link: https://support.avg.com/support_contact_form?l=&retUrl=support_sales .
Select the first option as "YES" and the operating system as "ANDROID"
Fill in the details and click on the option "answer via email".
Once your request is submitted you will be getting the prompt answer via email from our mobile team.