Ive have bought a new computer, can I install my licencences into this onr

Hi Claus,

Your subscriptions are eligible for only one device.

So if you have already installed the program in your old computer please uninstall it.

Once you uninstalled the program, you can install it in your new computer and activate it.

Please mention the product which you are trying to install and activate.

You can find the activation code in your AVG MyAccount.

Let us know, if you need further help.

I have bought a new computer, and watt to use my licences, untill they are not valud longger. Pse advice how to do

Hi Claus,

Your subscriptions are eligible for only one device.

So if you have already installed the program in your old computer please uninstall it.

Once you uninstalled the program, you can install it in your new computer and activate it.

Please mention the product which you are trying to install and activate.

You can find the activation code in your AVG MyAccount.

Let us know, if you need further help.