Junk mail removals

Hello Ulf,
Unfortunately there are no option to directly delete the detected email's on your outlook. All the email will be moved on to the spam folder for the confirmation for the removal. If you have any suggestion you can let us know via our product feedback form : http://avgclick.me/AVGfeedback .
Thank you.

How to Permanently delete suspected e-mail (caught in AVG) instead of moving it to the Junk E-mail folder" in Outloock 2007?
This setting is available for Junk E-mails caught in Outlook 2007.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Hello Ulf,
Unfortunately there are no option to directly delete the detected email's on your outlook. All the email will be moved on to the spam folder for the confirmation for the removal. If you have any suggestion you can let us know via our product feedback form : http://avgclick.me/AVGfeedback .
Thank you.

Hi Alan, Ihave posted my feedback comment on: link removed Thanks for your assistace Ulf