Just help a friend with AVG Internet Security installed. What a waste of money

Hello Nick,
Thank you for contacting AVG support community.
Sorry to hear that.
We will certainly help.
We have sent you an email regarding your concern.
Please do check.
Thank you.

A friend called for my assistance as her PC was extremely slow, tons of stuff going on in the background.

AVG was sucking the life out of the computer (i5) with various services running, AVG Internet Security, AVG Tuneup, AVG Driver monitor etc, all wasting resources. 

The HDD was being thrashed at 100% after start up and took at least 15 minutes before that dropped to below 90% and you could start to work on the PC.

Decided to run an online scanner from Eset and found 13 suspect files on her PC that AVG had chosen  to ignore.

Uninstalled all the AVG crapware and the machine sprung to life. I used to rate AVG and used it a lot, but now its as bad as Norton and McAfee for pulling down a PC.

Hi Nick,
Thank you for your reply. We are sorry for the inconvenience. This is not the experience we want our customer to have. But we are glad the issue has been resolved. If you face any issues, Kindly contact us again. Thanks and Keep us updated.

No point, the uncessary AVG tools have been removed and just AVG internet security running now. PC is functioning better but have advised the friend to not renew and suggested an alternative at half your renewal prices.

The addiitonal Tuneup and Driver tools are just unecessary.

Hello Nick,
Thank you for contacting AVG support community.
Sorry to hear that.
We will certainly help.
We have sent you an email regarding your concern.
Please do check.
Thank you.