Kündigung des Abonnement AVG Protection Pro

Hello Harry,
Firstly, please accept our apologies for not replying in your language.
Please be informed that we provide customer support for issues related in English only. Therefore, we would like to ask you to specify your request in English or please contact your home country distributor for further assistance.
To learn more about our distributors in other countries, please click here http://www.avg.com/us-en/reseller-locator
Thank you.

Hallo liebes Team von AVG,
ich möchte hiermit mein AVG Protection Pro kündigen.
Es war nicht möglich über die E-Mail Benachrichtigung und auch nicht über AVG My Acont zu kündigen. Ich habe keinen entsprechend Link dafür gefunden. Mein Abo läuft am 09.09.2016 ab.
Bitte bestätigen sie mir die Kündigung. Ich bedanke mich im voraus.
Mit freundlichem Gruß
Harry Krüger
Harry, This Community is basically English language.. Query translation....
Termination of Subscription AVG Protection Pro
Dear Team AVG
I hereby would like to cancel my AVG Protection Pro.
Unable to terminate on the e-mail notification and not on AVG My ACONT. I have not found a corresponding link for it. My subscription expires on 09/09/2016.
Please confirm the cancellation. I thank you in advance.
AVG Guru