Hi there, thanks. Yes the "never check for updates" was selected. I checked the update history and the last update was around the time MS discontinued support.
Hello Christopher,
We'll certainly look into this & help you.
Initially, we'd like to assure you that the AVG Update files are completely safe & would not cause this.
Please let us know if you're currently able to access your Win7 computer. Did you receive any error message while the computer is booting?
Also, share us an image (taken from a mobile camera) of the "Blue update" screen you're referring to, so that we can check & assist you further.
You can post the image here in your topic. Click on Answer & then click on the Image [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.
Thanks in advance. Keep us updated.
I run deep scans every other day. I don't open unknown email attachments. Besides, AVG is theoretically scanning those emails. Windows update has been turned off since Microsoft ended support, so no notices to download.
When I ran the AVG application update on the Win7 machine, everything seemed fine until it was time for the restart, then bam! I was presented with the blue "Configuring Windows Updates. Don't turn off your computer" screen with the percent progress. ??? I let it run, it reached 100% and then nothing. I let it sit there for an hour. Nothing. I turned it off and tried to start it. It gave me the blue update screen. I turned it off and tried to boot in Safe Mode. It gave me the blue update screen. I tried System Restore, it failed. I even tried chkdsk, no luck. It appears this machine is good and truly hacked.
This malware, from my point of view, piggybacked in on the AVG update download given that there was no hint of it just prior, and I haven't downloaded anything else in weeks, and numerous deep scans have been performed since then.
Have other users reported this? Do you have any suggestions? Is this computer now dead? Thanks.
Thank you for the quick response! Unfortunately I cannot upload a picture of the screen. It is no longer being presented. I'll explain.
The screen I am referring to would appear after Win7 Windows Update downloaded and installed updates. Windows Update would require a restart and the screen is the one that appeared when the machine came back up. A blue background with "Configuring Windows Updates" in white letters at the top. Under that was a rotating "working" graphic. Not circling dots, but a smooth blue rotating graphic. Under that "___ Percent Complete", then below that "Do Not Turn Off Your Computer", and at the bottom "Windows 7 Home Premium" This is the screen I saw and it looked completely genuine.
There were no error messages.
I began to suspect that what I was dealing with was ransomware.
Curious, I again lauched the computer keeping it isolated from the internet. And I left it alone. After approx 1.5 hrs the screen changed to "Cleaning Up" and "Do Not Turn Off Your Computer".
After about another half hour it presented the normal user login screen. I clicked on the user icon expecting the ransom page and got … my standard desktop. I tried some programs and they worked.
I rebooted and it it came up as per usual except it booted noticably quicker than before (uh-oh).
I looked at the OS files and ALL of them had had the last modified date changed to that of the incident (uh-oh).
For S&Gs I ran an AVG deep scan using the last downloaded virus definitions. (The machine is still isolated from the internet) and it came back clean, but, that too, was much quicker than it used to be (uh-oh).
I turned it off and haven't touched it since.
Thanks again.
Thank you for checking, Christopher.
We believe they are extended security updates that are being installed.
The Extended Security Update (ESU) program is a last resort option for customers who need to run certain legacy Microsoft products past the end of support. It includes Critical* and/or Important* security updates for a maximum of three years after the product's End of Extended Support date.
Microsoft provides a Windows 7 device with free Extended Security Updates through January 2023. These updates do not include new features, customer-requested non-security updates, or design change requests.
For further clarification, please contact Microsoft support.
Regarding the Password Protection feature, could you make sure the version of AVG program installed on your PC is 20.10?
Open AVG, click Menu -> About.
You said, "Microsoft provides a Windows 7 device with free Extended Security Updates through January 2023."
Thinking maybe I missed something I went back to Microsoft Support to check again before trshing the machine. I went to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/lifecycle/faq/extended-security-updates
There it says:
" Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop provides a Windows 7 device with free Extended Security Updates through January 2023."
If you click on the "Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop" link it takes you to;
I don't have Virtual Desktop.
Can you provide a link for me?
Hello Christopher,
Refer the below link to check for Windows Virtual Desktop.
If you need further help with it, please reach Microsoft support.
You're welcome, Christopher.
Before formatting/resetting your hard drive & computer, we'd recommend that you contact a local technician get your computer looked at.
If you need any assistance with AVG in the future, please don't hesitate to contact us.
We'd be glad to assist you. Have a great day. Stay safe!
Hello Christopher,
Thank you for the information.
Could you please open Control Panel and check any unknown program installed on the PC?
If yes, please provide the detail of it. Keep us updated.