Hello Murray,
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. We will check and help you to resolve the issue with system crash. How do you confirm that AVG Update causing this issue? Also, please confirm what are all the AVG products installed in your device; We look forwad for your response.
The last 2 days, I have having a few crashes and freezing on 3 of my PCs. The only common demonstrator is AVG. The Windows Mail app seems to the the other problem and is not loading emails on all accounts. Are there any know issues with Windows 10 Pro?
Thank you for clarifying, Murray.
Please let us know the version of AVG (Open AVG - Menu - About) that is installed on your devices along with the operating system on each.
Also, clarify whether you've performed any action/scan using any AVG program & when (at what instance) does the PC crash. Is it while browsing/working or at startup?
Hello Murray,
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. We will check and help you to resolve the issue with system crash. How do you confirm that AVG Update causing this issue? Also, please confirm what are all the AVG products installed in your device; We look forwad for your response.
Hi Veeramani. I have an Ultimate suscription with anti Virus, PC Cleaner, VPN and Anti Track. I dont confrim the AVG is the culprit and i am trying to get to the root of the problem. Apat from Windaw intallewd products the only thing instrall on all machines is AVG. Are there any known issues? Rex