Hello Corinne.
Support is currently available in English only. Please use a translator (for example, http://translate.google.com/) to read our reply.
We'd be glad to clarify this.
Why has the price changed?
We have made significant improvements to our detection rates over the last year and we expect to continue this investment as the threat landscape is getting more complex and thus had to increase the price.
When you initially purchased the product, you received a discount and agreed that your subscription would continue for successive renewal terms equal in length to your initial license term, at the undiscounted price in effect at renewal.
You might want to contact our sales team (https://support.avg.com/support_sales?l=en) to know about latest offers and a possible discount.
Je ne sais pas si je vais renouveller mon abonnement étant donné la tarification qui est passée de 59 euros à 89 euros en l'espace d'un an ; je n'ai qu'un PC et 2 téléphones android !!! y a-il une formule moins chère
Hello Corinne.
Support is currently available in English only. Please use a translator (for example, http://translate.google.com/) to read our reply.
We'd be glad to clarify this.
Why has the price changed?
We have made significant improvements to our detection rates over the last year and we expect to continue this investment as the threat landscape is getting more complex and thus had to increase the price.
When you initially purchased the product, you received a discount and agreed that your subscription would continue for successive renewal terms equal in length to your initial license term, at the undiscounted price in effect at renewal.
You might want to contact our sales team (https://support.avg.com/support_sales?l=en) to know about latest offers and a possible discount.