We appreciate your efforts in trying to fix the issue, we apologize for the difficulties. We suggest you to reboot your device in safe mode http://avgclick.me/rebootintosafemode and check for the result. Let us know if you face any difficulties, thank you!
My Lenovo laptop (running AVG Free + Win 10) crashed and won't reboot. I created and launched an AVG Rescue CD, I re-named any AVG driver files found in /sda1/Windows/System32/drivers as explained on the page | AVG, but on re-boot, Windows fails with a message "The operating system couldn't be loaded because a critical system driver is missing or contains errors" File:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\avgboota.sys Eorror Code: 0xc000000f.
I'm not able to get the laptop to display the boot into Safe Mode (or any boot option) via F8… It just drops straight into saying "Preparing Auto Repair", then a blue screen with the message I originally posted. There is a menu under F8 for Safe Mode on the blue screen, but selecting it just results in immediately going back to square one, and not re-booting…
Hello Mike,
In this case have you tried to repair your Windows installation? If not please have a look at this link http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows8_1-update/error-code-0xc000000f-file/398ea82e-fe21-425e-8d2f-a2d0c1e40d56 and continue with the suggested steps to repair your Windows PC.
Thank you.