Lieferung von Bestellung

Hello Manfred,
Sorry for not replying in your native language. It is to keep you informed that we support only in English. Could you please elaborate your issue in English so that we could assist you better in resolving your issue?
Thank you,
Kishore, AVG Customer Care.

Ich habe Ihnen per Postfinance die Zahlung von Fr. 55.99  auf Ihr Konto
Global Collect BV  Nr. 12146857  auf Raiffeisen St Gallen CH  am 15.12.16 übersendet
Für das Produkt   AVH Internet Securuty  Unbegrenzt Jährliche rechnung Mehrere Geräte !!

Auftragsnummer 702-0356792

Wo ist Ihre Lieferung ?????


@Alan: Thank you for the translation

Manfred, from the translation provided by Alan, we can understand that you have paid for AVG subscription but haven't received the invoice.
Upon checking your record, we see that you have purchased the subscription for AVG Internet Security - Unlimited (1 year subscription) and it expires on 17th December 2017.
We have sent you the email instructions to install this program and also the invoice.
Please check for the email on spam and junk folders if it is not present in the inbox.
Please view the AVG email by logging into email from the browser and not from email client like Outlook.

Hello Manfred,
Sorry for not replying in your native language. It is to keep you informed that we support only in English. Could you please elaborate your issue in English so that we could assist you better in resolving your issue?
Thank you,
Kishore, AVG Customer Care.