Hi Michael,
We are sorry to hear this.
We will help you with the installation.
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Tonight (Australian Eastern Time) I have paid $AUD143.95 to renew my AVG TuneUp for a further three years, I then followed the download instructions on the email sent to me, but only got as far as Step 1, "Download for Windows, AVG PC TuneUp for PC". The following messages appeared on my screen:-
1. "avg_tuneup_setup…exe couldn't be verified", followed by two buttons, "Keep" and "Discard". Firstly I tried "Discard", but that just ended the process. I then recommenced the download process and tried "Keep" this time. It continued with …
2. "Windows protected your PC
Microsoft Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk.
More info" then appeared on my screen. I hit the More info link.
3. Two buttons appeared, "Run anyway" and "Don't run". I hit "Run anyway".
4. The standard Microsoft question then came up, namely "Do you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device?" I hit "Yes".
5. A "Select Setup language" box with a default drop-down of "English" then appeared. I hit "OK".
6. This is when the problem I am having occurred. The error message "The source file is corrupted" followed by an "OK" button appeared. I hit "OK", and again the download process ceased.
Can you please assist me to overcome this problem? AVG, if you were able to email me that would be good. My email address is mmitchellm@bigpond.com.
Thank you.
Michael Martin
Hi Michael,
We are sorry to hear this.
We will help you with the installation.
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We have sent you an email to your registered email address. Please check for the email and revert back to us