BERNARD, Win 10 & AVG disappears… Have a look @ this article (
AVG Guru
I was on windows 8.went to windows 8.1 and I had paid for avg security,now I have upgraded to free windows 10 and have lost my avg security please help....
BERNARD, Win 10 & AVG disappears.. Have a look @ this article (
AVG Guru
AVG Guru
Other BERNARD MAGGOTT posting (
OK BERNARD, No probs… Pleased to see that you appear to be now sorted. Thanks for returning to the Community & posting.
AVG Guru
Hello Bernard. Please have a look at the steps provided by Alan and try it. You should be able to resolve your issue. Please contact us back should you need any further assistance. Thank you.
Listen Bernard isn't it just easier to download again and tto sent you the license again to activate don't you think?!! on this I advise you to think!