Lost network connection

Hello Mark,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
We have sent an email with clear instructions to analyze your issue.
Please feel free to get back to us for any issues with AVG.
Thank you.

We are having the same problem with our other home computer (windows 8).  Please can you send us the instructions to fix this issue.

AVG sent me a note saying they'll be glad to link to the computer and see if they can fix the problem; or to assist by e-mail.  I said that (duh!) they can't link to the computer because my network connection is gone, so I'll take help by e-mail please.  They sent me another note saying that they'll be glad to link to the computer etc.  I asked once more for e-mail assistance but eventually realized I was talking to the wall.  I got on to chat with AVG from a different computer and they suggested one or two solutions that didn't work and finally told me their responsibility was only to get the antivirus installed, not to deal with the consequences.  I consulted my ISP, and when their suggestions didn't work they told me to take the machine to the shop.  At the shop, the problem was quickly fixed.  A driver had been damaged, they told me.  I don't know whether it's just coincidence that the driver failed precisely as AVG Free 2015 was being installed, but in hopes of being on the safe side, I'm switching that computer to a different antivirus program.

Having used AVG Free at home for many years, I upgraded to AVG Free 2015 and my network connection stopped.  I tried rebooting, I tried reinstalling the RealTek controller driver, I tried returning to a system restore point, I uninstalled AVG from the Control Panel, and finally I used AVG Remove but still no Internet.  I received messages saying something was wrong with my local area connection adapter or wireless network adapter (depending on whether I tried Wifi or physical cable). Sometimes when I booted I saw a "server initialization failed" message.  I ran Microsoft Fixit, and when I tried connecting to my little home Wifi network it said it had achieved "limited connectivity" to the network but that limited connectivity, whatever it is, won't get me web pages or e-mail. Other computers on the same little home network are still working fine, but my computer doesn't see them. What can I do to get my network connection back?

We are having the same problem with our other home computer (windows 8).  Please can you send us the instructions to fix this issue.