Lost sound after driver update

I have waited for 48 hours to be told to dowload the driver from the Lenovo website, this didn't work. Is that the full extent of the expert advice I've been so anxiously waiting for?

Hello Stephen,

We regret the inconvenience caused.

If there is no sound on your PC after updating the driver using AVG, maybe it interferes with your audio device. 
To resolve this, we've sent you an email instruction to get our free additional support.
Please do check & revert back to us.

I also have the same issue. Upgraded drivers last night and now I have no sound. Given I use my laptop for my podcast, it is now useless until fixed. Can someone please fix this ASAP or I'll be cancelling my AVG subscription.

But I do not understand, why should it take so long.?
Someone for sure will contact before the end of Monday 24th May…and that is high priority?

Can anyone help. After running AVG driver update my laptop does not 'see' my internal speakers. I can get sound through HDMI but not on my laptop speakers.

Hi Stephen,

We do understand your concern.
We are trying to help you in fixing this issue at the earliest.
Our next level team will definitely update you about the status of your issue.
Thank you.

please define 'as soon as possible' ...days, weeks, months?

Several times now AVG staff have explained to me that there must have been a fault in Lenovo's driver which caused this when AVG driver update ran on my PC, installing this driver. The question then is how does a comany which exsists to protect our PCs from such damage manage to load a damaging driver onto my machine? I

I am waiting to be helped.

help please, I am sat here waiting

At this stage these assurances feel like empty words

I have just been told that my case has been elevated to critical and I will hear back in between 5 and 7 working days!!

Presumably not until 9 am Monday morning now?

Stephen, we are sorry that the issue still persists even after connecting with our remote technician.

This case has been reescalated to our senior most team for further analysis.

We will get back to you at the earliest. 

Your patience is much appreciated.

Hi Nick, 

We've replied to your original post.
Please check & revert to us via it to keep the conversation in a single thread.
Thank you for your understanding in advance!

We're sorry to know that. You can be rest assured that the concerned team is currently investigating on the issue. We request your patience in the mean time. The concerned team will reach you via email at the earliest. 

Stephen, you can expect the email within 2 - 5 business days.

Stephen, we certainly understand the inconvenience caused due to this disruption. We would like to update you again that your issue is currently being handled by our level 3 technical team and you may hear from them (via email) anytime.

Appreciate your understanding and patience in this matter.

failed to solve the problem again

At lease he thanked me for contacting AVG and wished me a nice day…another hour I'll never get back

please ask him to take remote control