Luhe.fiha.a detected by AVG

Does this mean I have the luhe.fiha.a virus, or do you think it is AVG, conflicting with norton?

Sherman, As per the instructions have you actually tried uninstalling Norton?

Does this mean I have the luhe.fiha.a virus, or do you think it is AVG, conflicting with norton?

Before removing Norton, Can you please clear your temporary Folder? The safest way to do it is to use Ccleaner, a Tool by Piriform found at The tool will just removing junk and clear your temp folder.

It looks like the Virus is in a temp folder.  And Sherman, you can check the file and folders options in Windows explorer if you wish to remove it manually.  If your on Windows 8/8.1 Go to view>Options>Change Folder and search options.

  1. I borrowed a USB drive with 2 MP3 songs on it

    2) When I put it in my computer I immediatley got an alert from AVG saying that it had blocked luhe.fiha.a, and I removed them as reccomended.

    3) Ever since then whenever I run a full scan with Norton, during the scan I get an alert from AVG saying that it has detected and blocked the luhe.fiha.a virus, and suggests I remove them. (This only happens when I run a scan with Norton, and it only happens while the scan is in progress, and it happens every single time I scan)

    4) The Norton scan does not detect anything (or it will detect tracking cookies, but it never says anything about luhe.fiha.a) when I run microsoft malwarebytes the scan does not detect anything, and it does not give me an alert from AVG, other anti-virus software does not detect anything, nor does it give me an alert from AVG.

    Here are more details:

    Threat:              Found Luhe.Fiha.A
    Object name:   c:\Windows\Temp\0000006
    severity:           high
    state                 infected
    identified by:    resident shield

    Extended element information:
    process name: c:\program files (x86)\Norton Internet Security\Engine\\ccsvchst.exe
    process ID:       5020
    session ID:       0

    also when I go to the file extension in c:\windows\temp   I do not see the 0000006 file

Sherman, Using other security software on your system!!.. Have a look @ this article (

Sherman, As per the instructions have you actually tried uninstalling Norton?

Before removing Norton, Can you please clear your temporary Folder? The safest way to do it is to use Ccleaner, a Tool by Piriform found at The tool will just removing junk and clear your temp folder.

It looks like the Virus is in a temp folder.  And Sherman, you can check the file and folders options in Windows explorer if you wish to remove it manually.  If your on Windows 8/8.1 Go to view>Options>Change Folder and search options.