Hi Jim,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.
We will check and help you with this issue.
To confirm whether this issue is caused by AVG program, please try to disable your AVG Internet Security program temporarily and then check for the issue.
You can also submit your feedback through AVG Internet Security – Menu – About. In that page, you will find an option called "submit feedback".
Thank you and keep us updated.
Having low vision, I use accessibility products. On the computer PC I have speech output software from ZoomText! It is wonderful, but it does not work with AVG products! That is unfortunate as the text in AVG is very hard to read being gray on gray!. Who would I talk to to have improvements made by AVG?
Hi Jim,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.
We will check and help you with this issue.
To confirm whether this issue is caused by AVG program, please try to disable your AVG Internet Security program temporarily and then check for the issue.
You can also submit your feedback through AVG Internet Security – Menu – About. In that page, you will find an option called "submit feedback".
Thank you and keep us updated.