Manage devices registerred with AVG Ultimate

Hello Toma,

We regret to inform you that we currently do not have a feature to manage/monitor the devices using your AVG subscription.
In this instance, we request you to manually check your devices for your activated AVG subscriptions.
Thank you for understanding in advance! If you have further queries, please let us know.

AVG ultimate have 10  devices  limit to register , how I  can see the ddevice  list  with my current subscription  , and in case I want to remove one I am not using it anymore   is it possible to do it and register a new device on its place ?

Hello Toma,

We regret to inform you that we currently do not have a feature to manage/monitor the devices using your AVG subscription.
In this instance, we request you to manually check your devices for your activated AVG subscriptions.
Thank you for understanding in advance! If you have further queries, please let us know.