Buon Giorno
mi Mancano i following Componenti:
scudo in linea
when tento di inserirli mi da Errore 0X C0070643 event.exec_finished
Montato ho AVG INTERNET 2016 su Windows10 pro
x cortesia aiutatemi, grazie
Hello Luigi,
We apologize for not replying in your native language. We do provide Social media support for AVG in English language. Could you please be more specific regarding the issue that you are facing with AVG so that we can help you better?
Thank you.
buon giorno
in pratica quando apro il programma sotto la voce WEB ci sono 2 sottovoci LINK SCANNER ed ONLINE SHIELD. link scanner è abilitato ed attivo mente online shield scrive scarica quando lo faccio mi da errore 0X C0070643; ed uguale x EMAIL scansione email abilitato ANTI-SPAM scarica e quando lo faccio mi da errore come sopra
As per query translation made by Alan Binch. We understand that you are unable to install AVG Internet Security in your pc and you get error message. To get your issue fixed, we request you to run AVG remover tool in your pc and the install AVG Internet Security back in your pc. To run AVG remover tool for AVG Antivirus please follow the below steps :
Please click on the below link to download remover tool
Accept the license agreement and then choose AVG Product and remove it.
NOTE: Once the AVG Remover Tool has done with its process. Please go to the drive where you installed this tool and look for a folder named as "AVG Remover" and I request you to delete it manually.
Hello Luigi,
We apologize for not replying in your native language. We do provide Social media support for AVG in English language. Could you please be more specific regarding the issue that you are facing with AVG so that we can help you better?
Thank you.
Hello Luigi,
We apologize for not replying in your native language. We do provide Social media support for AVG in English language. If you wish to contact support in your language, you can contact our re-seller via the following link
http://www.avg.com/us-en/reseller-locator .
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank you.