Meedelen nummer nieuwe kredietkaart

Hi Jozef,

AVG Support through Social Media channel is available only in English.
You can make use of Google Translator ( /) to translate our replies & reply in your language.

We understand your concern.

Please get in touch with our sales team ( They will help you to update the card details.

Thank you.

Hoe kan ik het nummer van mijn nieuwe kredietkaart meedelen voor de verlengen van mijnSecure VPN die vervalt op 4 februari 2021?
De Jonge J
Hi Jozef,

AVG Support through Social Media channel is available only in English.
You can make use of Google Translator ( /) to translate our replies & reply in your language.

We understand your concern.

Please get in touch with our sales team ( They will help you to update the card details.

Thank you.