Menuepunkte von AVG Zune up

Hello Michael,

As we're uncertain about your query, would you be so kind as to elaborate it & share us more details?
Thanks in advance.

how i can Finish TuneUp

Hello Michael,

As we're uncertain about your query, would you be so kind as to elaborate it & share us more details?
Thanks in advance.

Thank you for the explanation.

As per your request, we have cancelled the auto renewal for your subscription of AVG Tune Up unlimited. Therefore, you wont be charged in the future after the expiration of the product.

Let us know, if you need further help.

ich möchte die Zusammenarbeit mit AVG Tuneup beenden und auch nicht bezahlen, wie kann ich mein Abonnement abmelden und beenden?
I want to finish my work with AVG Tuneup and i do not want to pay for the abonnement.
what i have to do for this?
Many thanks  Michael Schwab