Mess up when renewing

Hello all

Here's the prnt scrn that was asked for. NOT SURE WHY BUT ALL THOUGH i HAVE RESIZED IT DOWN FROM 1.25m TO 347k i still get the error it is over 1m.
It does show both Zen and Internet Security running.
Thanks for explaining about Zen Kishore but I still seem to have both Internet security and Performance & Protective Pro's purchased but have Internet security actually running on my PC, most odd?

I think I'd still prefer an AVG person to look at what I have?


Hello Mark,
We regret for the inconvenience caused. While verifying your account you have AVG Protection multidevice (1 year subscription), AVG Performance multidevice (1 year subscription) and DriverUpdate ( 1 computer) as your active subscription. Please make sure whether the AVG Zen program has been installed on your PC. A screenshot can help us to anayze the issue. Please follow the instructions on the article to create the screenshot.
Thank you.

Hello not too sure off the details but my account seems to show I have AVG Performance Pro active twice with one saying Multi - devices?

I was trying to simply renew my AVG Internet Security and was promted to do it early and had AVG Performance Pro pushed at me after a Zen trial I think.
Then renew prompt for AVG Int Sec arrived which I did but then got told it was not compatible with Zen and I was prompted to get AVG Protection Pro.  Still had difficulties and after a discussion I was offered a refund of those 2 items and a FREE Remote Assistance to resolve all the problems.

I now have Something working it say Internet Security on my PC screen but the last thing Installed under the free assistance option showing on my items purchaseed says it should be AVG Protection Pro Multi Devices.  I also have the same thing minus the wording Multi devices still active.

Who should I contact to sort this out, any help in the direction would be greatly appriciated, after all, all I was trying to do was RENEW my subscription.  I have been with AVG for some 9 years now but am begining to lose faith.



Thanks Gents.
I'll pop a screen shot on tomorrow but the Zen works on my PC?.
Just to confirm my subs say I have Performance Pro and Protection Pro active together while the on PC screen actuals show Internet Security is running???
I did have Zen and had my laptop added to it but after being told one of the above wasn't compatible I can no longer see my laptop listed in the Zen program.


Mark, For your info, just in case that you are unaware, you can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. 
AVG Guru

Hello Mark,
We regret for the inconvenience caused. While verifying your account you have AVG Protection multidevice (1 year subscription), AVG Performance multidevice (1 year subscription) and DriverUpdate ( 1 computer) as your active subscription. Please make sure whether the AVG Zen program has been installed on your PC. A screenshot can help us to anayze the issue. Please follow the instructions on the article to create the screenshot.
Thank you.

Hello all

Here's the prnt scrn that was asked for. NOT SURE WHY BUT ALL THOUGH i HAVE RESIZED IT DOWN FROM 1.25m TO 347k i still get the error it is over 1m.
It does show both Zen and Internet Security running.
Thanks for explaining about Zen Kishore but I still seem to have both Internet security and Performance & Protective Pro's purchased but have Internet security actually running on my PC, most odd?

I think I'd still prefer an AVG person to look at what I have?
