Hello Hans,
Sorry, but we don't speak Dutch. Please visit https://support.avg.com/ for more help or respond back in English.
Yesterday i bought the paid version of AVG PC Tune up unlimited. My ordernumber is 10170451872.
I will install this product and during the installation I get the message 0xe001f958 and it is not possible to installate this product on my computer. What can I do to installate PC tune up?
Ik kocht de betaalde versie van AVG PC Tune Up met bestelnummer 10170451872.
Tijdens de installatie krijg ik het bovenstaande bericht en kan het product niet te installeren.
Kun je me helpen?
I have restart my computer and tried to intall PC TuneUp. During the installation I still get the message 0xe001f958. I also have AVG Internet Security on my computer. Is it possible that they are in conflict with each other?
I have got your mail and will contact your additional support.
Hans, did you check for my email instructions to get our additional support?
I have restart my computer a few times and still I get above message. On my computer I also have installed AVG Internet Security. Is it possible that this products are in conflict with eachother?
Yesterday i bought the paid version of AVG PC Tune up unlimited. My ordernumber is 10170451872.
I will install this product and during the installation I get the message 0xe001f958 and it is not possible to installate this product on my computer. What can I do to installate PC tune up?