Message says to update. Update 'successful' however still getting the message to update

Successfully removed earlier version of Internet Security and updated to the new version - no problems. During the removal I did NOT tick the 'remove AVG Tune-Up' box however I now find it seems to have disappeared from the computer. Tried to download another copy however half-way through download received the message 'Error 0xe001f94e'.
Advice please? Thank you.

PopUp window

Hello, Colleen.
We're here to help. It must be an older version of AVG for which virus definition updates have been stalled, that you are using. Please share a screenshot ( of AVG dashboard showing the error message to assist you further. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.

I have a paid subscription to AVG Internet Security - expires in November 2019.
For the last week have been receiving the request to update as computer not protected. A window pops up as 'update successfu'l however still getting the message- 'You are not fully protected'.
Would appreciate assistance. Thank you.

PopUp window

Colleen, we have sent you an email with instructions to get connected with our remote assistance team. Please follow those instructions to get in touch with them to resolve your issue.

Thank you Alok. I have a paid subscription for AVG TuneUp as well. My next subscription for this product is available soon. I assume I do not need to remove AVG TuneUp as well???
Why does AVG not send some type of reminder/message saying that the virus definitions are out-of-date? I have been a subscriber now for many years.

There is no need to remove AVG PC TuneUp, if it's working correctly.
AVG Internet Security would have given pop up notifications saying "program is out of date", if it's not updated. However, please reinstall your AVG Internet Security by following my previous instruction and the issue will be resolved.

Successfully removed earlier version of Internet Security and updated to the new version - no problems. During the removal I did NOT tick the 'remove AVG Tune-Up' box however I now find it seems to have disappeared from the computer. Tried to download another copy however half-way through download received the message 'Error 0xe001f94e'.
Advice please? Thank you.

The screenshot shows the pop up window however when you do as requested - click or tap -another window said 'Update successful'. I feel that there should be more guidance as to what the problem is. Perhaps state 'your virus definitions are out-of-date. You may need to reinstall the latest version of AVG'.  Just a thought.
I will follow your instructions above. Many thnaks.

Screenshot of AVG dashboard

Thank you for your valuable feedback. If you need any further assistance, do not hesitate to let us know.