Microsoft and adobe

Hi Robert,

We are aware of the issue caused by AVG TuneUp and our developers are working on the fix.

Once the update is released, all the issues will be resolved.

Regarding installation, share us the screenshot of the error message for further assistance.

You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on "Answer" & then click on the "Image" [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.

Hello, recent update of all my AVG knocked out completely my Microsoft on my PC.  managed to fix it with help but now just checking and it seems to have done the same to my Adobe DC.  I have uninstalled it and tried to install it again but it wont install now!  What have you done and how do I fix it?

Hi Robert,

We are aware of the issue caused by AVG TuneUp and our developers are working on the fix.

Once the update is released, all the issues will be resolved.

Regarding installation, share us the screenshot of the error message for further assistance.

You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on "Answer" & then click on the "Image" [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.

Hi Robert,
it seems that AVG has problems with a path change in the Tune Up "autoreactivator.exe".
Please check, if the programs who does not work, are all in the list of sleeping programms in Tune Up.

If they are all in the list this should solve it:

Fix for your Problem: 

Step 1 (this step is not needed for the solution, but make things cleaner, so that you have your old sleep settings afterwards):
go to your Tune Up Application and activate all sleeping programs and set them back to sleep mode after that. This creates new entries for the reactivator in the registry.

Step 2:
Now go into the registry to delete the old keys in:

Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options<the name of your programm that do not open>

You should have two registry keys there for each program. Take a look at the Debugger String entry. 

Key 1: "C:\Program Files (x86)\AVG\TuneUp\autoreactivator.exe"
Key 2: "C:\Program Files\AVG\TuneUp\autoreactivator.exe" (the new one you created in step 1)

You can delete the complete Key with Program Files (x86) in the DebuggerString (the old path of the autoreactivator.exe). After that everything should work like expected.