Microsoft Auto Updates fail if AVG is active

Hi Corentin,

We apologize for the inconvenience.
In this case, we'd request you to temporarily disable the individual shields of your AVG Internet Security & check which shield is causing the issue.
Keep us updated.


I noticed that if AVG protection is active on my Mac, Microsoft Auto Update has no issues downloading its update, but installing them systematically fails.
If I disable AVG, all updates succeed.
It looks like thee is an incompatibility, although I haven’t been able to figure out what setting I could tweak to avoid that.

FYI, all updates are downloaded as a .pkg in $TMPDIR. The .pkg files are fine (and I can use them to install manually), but the installer can’t seem to be able to install them automatically itself.

Thank you for writing back to us, Corentin.

Apologies, we had asked you to temporarily disable the individual shields/components (Ex: File shield, Email shield & Web shield).
If the issue still persists at the time of next Microsoft Auto Update, please get back to us immediately (without disabling AVG & allowing the update to be installed). We'll then check & assist you accordingly.

I have to wait for a new MAU update to properly test it out.
I'm not 100% sure what you want me to disable though. I have three options: File Shield, Web Shield and Email Shield.
I'm not 100% sure how the email and web shields could be the ones interfering, but in case, I disabled them both to confirm it is indeed the file shield.
Next time an ipdate comes out, I'll see whether the MAU fials again.