I just installed AVG Ulitmate and set everything up on all the features. I went through too many steps to remember or to list here. Now MS Word and MS Excel just don't open. No error message or anything, they just don't open.
The problem seemed to have fixed itself by the next time I used the computer. Maybe it just needed a reboot like almost every other computer problem. Thanks for your help!
I installed AVG Ultimate and now none of my Microsoft Office products will open. I'm not sure which of the AVG components is responsible, but from looking through the AVG support forum it looks like this is a common issue. Please let me know how this issue is fixed so that I can use my Microsoft Office 365 products again. Thanks in advance!
I just installed AVG Ulitmate and set everything up on all the features. I went through too many steps to remember or to list here. Now MS Word and MS Excel just don't open. No error message or anything, they just don't open.
Hello John,
We will check this for you.
Could you tell the actions you performed by AVG before this issue occurred?
And also share us the screenshot of the error message you get when you access the MS products.
After the application is repaired or updated, a restart is recommended to complete the respective process.
I am glad to know that your issue has been fixed.
Appreciate your time and effort in this.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any issues in the future.
Thank you for writing back to us.
We had issue regarding this in last AVG TuneUp update, but that we fixed in no time.
Now let's do some troubleshooting for this issue
Kindly check if those application are put to sleep in Backup & Startup programs under the Speed Up in the AVG TuneUp.
If yes, wake them up and check if you are able to access the MS application