Microsoft wireless diplay adapter....firewall settings?

I have this same issue. This is a miricast device and windows 8.1 device settings is used to project to this adapter installed on a TV. There is no IP address and if there is a specific application it is not readily discoverable. Only solution so far is to disable the firewall willl using miricast.


Hi John,
In order to analyze it please provide us with diagnostic output (gather it right after inducing issue) using this tool and please add detailed description of issue.

I too have the same issue other than I'm running AVG Internet Security 2014 so I don't appear to have the 'Scan encrypted (TLS and SSL) network traffic" option to uncheck.  I did find if I disable the firewall, connect to the Microsoft Display Wireless Adapter and then immmediately enable the AVG firewall life goes on.  I really would prefer not to be exposed like that for even a minute or two.

Hi Doug,
In order to analyze it please provide us with diagnostic output (gather it right after inducing issue) using this tool and please add detailed description of issue.

Hi John,
In order to analyze it please provide us with diagnostic output (gather it right after inducing issue) using this tool and please add detailed description of issue.

Hi recently purchased a Microsoft wireless display adapter and when trying to connect to the surface pro running 8.1 and 2015 internet security I have to set the firewall off and the connection is immediate and works like a charm.

Just wondering how I can make the firewall allow to accept this connection?

Any help would be appreciated


John, Have a look @ these 2 articles…
[1] (  
[2] (  
AVG Guru

Hi Doug,
In order to analyze it please provide us with diagnostic output (gather it right after inducing issue) using this tool and please add detailed description of issue.

@ Dave Kelly… Other posting (
AVG Guru

Hi Steve,
For help on your issue please try:
Open AVG and click "Options" -> "Advanced Settings" -> "Web Browsing Protection" -> "Online Shield" -> "Expert Settings" Uncheck "Scan encrypted (TLS and SSL) network traffic" option

I have the same issue using AVG2015. I disable the firewall, connect, and the re-enable. I can continue the MWDA functionality until I close off my SurfacePro3 or disconnect.

@ Steve Harris
Steve, Please provlde the diagnostic output that was required by Zbynek | AVG Employee (AVG Technologies).
AVG Guru

I have this same issue. This is a miricast device and windows 8.1 device settings is used to project to this adapter installed on a TV. There is no IP address and if there is a specific application it is not readily discoverable. Only solution so far is to disable the firewall willl using miricast.


I too have the same issue other than I'm running AVG Internet Security 2014 so I don't appear to have the 'Scan encrypted (TLS and SSL) network traffic" option to uncheck.  I did find if I disable the firewall, connect to the Microsoft Display Wireless Adapter and then immmediately enable the AVG firewall life goes on.  I really would prefer not to be exposed like that for even a minute or two.