The only thing not set to Enabled were
File and Printer sharing
Remote desktop connections to this computer
Stealth mode for public networks
I set them to enabled and still am unable to connect unless firewall is disabled
The only thing not set to Enabled were
File and Printer sharing
Remote desktop connections to this computer
Stealth mode for public networks
I set them to enabled and still am unable to connect unless firewall is disabled
I have same problem - inabiltty to connect via AVG active. No problem connecting when AVG is turned off. Many steps outlined above or earlier posts, including enabling all the system rules, checking for network and setting it to 'private', closing AVG and attempting these steps; all to no avail. This still does not work. I have AVG turned off now, to connect to TV using my Microsoft adapter and its unhealthy to be watching Streaming videos on line with deactivated antivirus or firewall software.
This problem has been reported for many years. Surprising that NOBODY has found an answer to this seemingly small problem yet… Please expedite a solution. Many thanks !
Dinesh thanks for the tip on enabling "Internet Connection Sharing Mode"!!! After searching numerous other threads and trying what feels like every other solution out there that one finally did the trick. I can now connect to my Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter without disabling AVG. Cheers
This problem is still not solved with the new AVG, I have the same problem agian on windows 11 and I can not find where I can enable internet connection sharing made. Is there already a new solution?
I reinstalled multiple times.
This issue only occured when i upgraded to Pro, so i have now uninstalled and downgraded to free since that version allowed connectivity.
AVG firewall blocks this service, and any time i disabled it, i was able to connect.
I will have to find a different firewall service.
Shawn, we have sent an email on 14th June 2019 in-order to get connected with our additional support.
It seems that you haven't contacted them yet.
Could you follow those email steps and get connected, in-order to get further assistance?
How do you allow this service through AVG firewall.
With the firewall disabled i can connect to my wireless adapter just fine, and this issue did not occur until i upgraded from AVG Free to AVG Internet Security
Hello Shawn.
We'll certainly look into it. Please check if AVG firewall is configured with below recommended settings or not.
Open AVG Internet Security->Menu->Settings->Full Protection->Firewall->System Rules and set all rules to "Enabled".
Shawn, we realize the situation. However, in-order to analyze the root cause of the issue that you experience due to AVG Firewall, we suggested you to get connected with our remote support.
If we are able to identify the root cause, it will be easy for us to fix it.
I will try this tonight and report my findings.
There is no driver for this in device manager. It is a built in service of winows, and connects to a dongle connected to my TV.
See this link for details
And as previously stated, it works just fine if AVG firewall is turned off or not running in the free version.
If this is not an issue that can be resolved i will just have to revert to AVG free.
The only thing not set to Enabled were
File and Printer sharing
Remote desktop connections to this computer
Stealth mode for public networks
I set them to enabled and still am unable to connect unless firewall is disabled
Thank you for your re-consideration & let us know the outcome, Shawn.
Our pleasure, Ryan. Glad to know that. Have a great day!
Hello Shawn.
We'll certainly look into it. Please check if AVG firewall is configured with below recommended settings or not.
Open AVG Internet Security->Menu->Settings->Full Protection->Firewall->System Rules and set all rules to "Enabled".
Hi Sanjay,
We regret for the inconvenience caused.
We could see that you have tried all the trouble shooting steps mentioned above.
Have you tried to reinstall the program again?
If not, please uninstall the program from the control panel and reinstall it again.
Let us know the status if the issue.
Thank you for checking it. We'd request to open device manager, expand the display devices and check the status of Microsoft wireless display driver.
Thank you for the information, Shawn.
In this case, we would like to analyze the root cause. Hence, an email instruction has been sent which will help you to get connected with our additional support.
Once you get connected with them, they will proceed further on this matter.
This problem is still not solved with the new AVG, I have the same problem agian on windows 11 and I can not find where I can enable internet connection sharing made. Is there already a new solution?