Hello Renate,
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. We will surely help you to resolve the issue. Please provide the following information to help you better.
1. Let us know the version of AVG Tuneup installed in your device.
2. Please confirm the operating system installed in it.
3. Share us the screenshot of the error message which you get.
You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on Answer & then click on the Image [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. Thanks in advance.
Hello AVG responsables, since several weeks my TUNE UP doesn't function. I can't do the maintanance of my computer, running under windows10. It does not run to delete the internet (Firefox) cookies and tracking items and I got the error message to contact you. Now I'm fed up, because you did not send a software update, eliminating the errors.
I read that I should uninstall the programm and install it again. But the uninstall procedure does not start and the error message comes up that "icarus.exe" ist missing.
Why don't you send an update, repairing this error.
All your answers to other customers having this problem do not give any hints to me, what I could to. I am not a programmer or an insider, but a simple user.
When you cannot help me in an easily way by sending an update that will fix this problem, I will buy another product of one of your competitors.
I am very upset!!! - Renate K.
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. We will surely help you to resolve the issue. Please provide the following information to help you better.
1. Let us know the version of AVG Tuneup installed in your device.
2. Please confirm the operating system installed in it.
3. Share us the screenshot of the error message which you get.
You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on Answer & then click on the Image [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. Thanks in advance.