Missing lines in Reports

This is to confirm that after updating to version 19.4.3089 (build 19.4.4318.439)
today Apr 9 2019 the reports appear to be back to normal. All missing lines are
now back. Note that I have not tested all types of scans, but the custom quick
scan and Explorer scan reports now contain all info lines which start with an
asterisk as well as the statistics.

Hello Wayne,

We will certainly take a look into this for you.
If you could provide us with the screenshot of the scan results, we will check and clarify this further.
You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on "Answer" & then click on the "Image" [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.

Using AVG Internet Security version 19.3.3084 (build 19.3.4241.405)

I have just noticed that since installing version 19.3.3084
the Reports generated from scans and shields activity are
missing all of the header and footer lines. For example the
report file "Scan from Windows Explorer.txt" in directory

Sample scan contents before moving to this version -

* AVG Scan Report
* This file is generated automatically
* Scan name: Scan from Windows Explorer
* Started on: Sunday, March 10, 2019 11:42:43 AM
* VPS: 190310-2, 10/03/2019

Infected files: 0
Total files: 432
Total folders: 0
Total size: 56.0 MB

* Scan stopped: Sunday, March 10, 2019 11:42:44 AM
* Run-time was 1 second(s)

Sample scan report contents after moving to this version -

Infected files: 0
Total files: 3
Total folders: 0
Total size: 23.7 KB

Note that all of the lines with asterisks at the
beginning and end are missing. Only the lines with the
counts are now appearing in the reports. The same is
seen in all other reports such as those from custom


Wayne, we actually requested the screenshot of the report file of AVG that shows the results.
Let us check this with our senior team and get back to you.
Your patience is much appreciated.

Hello Wayne,

We will certainly take a look into this for you.
If you could provide us with the screenshot of the scan results, we will check and clarify this further.
You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on "Answer" & then click on the "Image" [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.

What do you mean "a screenshot"? Of what? The results are plain
ASCII/ANSI text in the report file(s). I have already done a
copy and paste of the relevant lines from one of the files.
A screenshot of the report text in a file viewer or editor
window will not show anything different than what I already

This is to confirm that after updating to version 19.4.3089 (build 19.4.4318.439)
today Apr 9 2019 the reports appear to be back to normal. All missing lines are
now back. Note that I have not tested all types of scans, but the custom quick
scan and Explorer scan reports now contain all info lines which start with an
asterisk as well as the statistics.

Hello Wayne, 
Our developers are currently aware of this bug and are working towards the fix. Your patience is much appreciated.

Glad to hear that everything is fine now. Thank you for letting us know its status. 
You can try all the scan types and check the status. 
​​​​​​​We are here if you need further help.