Mobile Protection ... I have a product key how do i use it

Hello Chris,

If you have purchased the subscription for AVG antivirus PRO for Android from Google PlayStore then please follow the activation instructions mentioned in this link: to activate the PRO version.
If the issue still persists, please contact our mobile team.
Please click on this link: .
Select the option as "YES" and the operating system as "ANDROID"
Fill in all of the details and at the bottom you will get the option to get "answer via email"
Once your request is submitted you will be getting the prompt answer via email from our mobile team.

I have a product key for the pro mobile version how fo i enter it

Hello Chris,

If you have purchased the subscription for AVG antivirus PRO for Android from Google PlayStore then please follow the activation instructions mentioned in this link: to activate the PRO version.
If the issue still persists, please contact our mobile team.
Please click on this link: .
Select the option as "YES" and the operating system as "ANDROID"
Fill in all of the details and at the bottom you will get the option to get "answer via email"
Once your request is submitted you will be getting the prompt answer via email from our mobile team.