Money taken from business credit card

Hi Mattia,

We acknowledge your refund request.
Upon checking our records, we see that either the order is under a different domain or mistyped email address.
As it isn't recommended to share the order details over this post, we've sent you an email to clarify the account.
Please revert to us via email to proceed further.


I wrote you from an Italian Company called Multijobber Società Cooperativa. 

Today, when we checked our credit card account balance, we noticed a strange operations: it seems that DRI*AVG Technologies received a payment of 36,88€ for some kind of subscription... but we have none subscription open with AVG. 

Can we be refund? 

Looking forward for your reply, 

Mattia Caruso

Multijobber Società Cooperativa

Hi Mattia,

We acknowledge your refund request.
Upon checking our records, we see that either the order is under a different domain or mistyped email address.
As it isn't recommended to share the order details over this post, we've sent you an email to clarify the account.
Please revert to us via email to proceed further.