Hi Ilan, sorry to hear that. I understand that you are receiving duplicate emails in Outlook and this seems to be an Outlook issue. However, I request you to have a look on the below article for further assistance. ( https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/299349 ). Thanks.
Only after open outlook there is mails in the server
After that I install AVG on my Comp (Win8) I start to get in my Outlook 2013 Inbox lot of mails that I got them befor ( POP3) .
each time I did SendqReceive I got those mail AGAIN/
I tried to delete them in IMAP and they are comming back on SendqRecieve command.
What can be doene?
Thanks ILAN
Hello Ilan. Apologies from AVG. May I please know the sender's name of the email and the contents of it and also are you getting the same email or different emails? Are you also getting those emails in your webmail inbox (just by logging via web browser and not via Outlook)? Thank you.
Hi Ilan, sorry to hear that. I understand that you are receiving duplicate emails in Outlook and this seems to be an Outlook issue. However, I request you to have a look on the below article for further assistance. ( https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/299349 ). Thanks.
Only after open outlook there is mails in the server