Multiple errors during PC Tune-Up updates

I have escalated this case, you should be contacted via email.

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Hi Peter,
Did you send it using same email address as you use here? I can't find it in our system.

I just updated my PC Tuneup using the link provided in the menuing. During the installation I received multiple installation errors with the options to Abort, Retry, Ignore. I ignored all the error messages but the product seems to have updated correctly. Did anyone else have this problem? There need some sort of explanation for these errors otherwise the product installation gives the impression that it is unstable and, more importantly, unreliable? Appreciate any comments regarding this problem. Thank you.

Hi Peter,

I'd like to ask you for AVG log files for closer analysis. Please download and run this, briefly describe the situation, include link to this conversation and send it. Specialists will contact you on your e-mail after analysis. 


I have escalated this case, you should be contacted via email.

Hi Peter,
Did you send it using same email address as you use here? I can't find it in our system.

File sent. Await your analysis. Thank you.

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