My avg pc tuneup will not update

Hello Bob, I apologize for the inconvenience caused. I request you to go through the following link and  run Tune Up remover tool to uninstall AVG PC Tune up and re-install it. Please refer this link  to install your AVG PC tune up again. Thank you.

I can't get pc tuneup to update it always says try later

Hello Bob, I apologize for the inconvenience caused. I request you to go through the following link and  run Tune Up remover tool to uninstall AVG PC Tune up and re-install it. Please refer this link  to install your AVG PC tune up again. Thank you.
Hello Bob. I apologize for the inconvenience caused. I would request you to follow these instructions before trying to update the program.
1.Please open your Internet Explorer browser and click on the "Gear" shaped Icon on the top right corner.
2.Select "Internet Options" from the Drop-down
3. Click on  "Advanced " Tab and  scroll down to see "Security" option.
4. Under Security option, please select the check boxes from "Use SSL 2.0 till Use tls 1.2"  ( all the 5 ).
5. Click OK.
Please get back to us if the issue persists. Thank you.