My purchase not showing up in my account

Bill, sorry to hear about the inconvenience caused once again. I certainly understand your concern. I have sent you an email instruction to get connected with our technical support team. Please follow those instructions to get in touch with them and you should be able to resolve your issue.

Hello Bill. As per our record you have purchased the new AVG Protection program for multidevice. Have you looked on you Subscription tab in your AVG My Account? This program will be present only in the subscription tab and not on products tab.

Id the "AVG Protection" the same as "AVG Ultimate?" I purchased the ultimate and have the license/key.

Further, the program is appearing as just Internet Security (?). I would like to get this resolved so I can use the Ultimate as Ulitmate. It never connects to a server and never asks for my product key.
Hello Bill. Have you registered your AVG Ultimate using the activation code that you would have received through the reseller? If not please activate your program using that code through this link: .

Please feel free to contact us again should you need any further assistance.

I purchased AVG Ultimate on Newegg but it does not show up in my account. I have the product key, just want to be sure to get it registered.

Id the "AVG Protection" the same as "AVG Ultimate?" I purchased the ultimate and have the license/key.
Bill, sorry to hear about the inconvenience caused once again. I certainly understand your concern. I have sent you an email instruction to get connected with our technical support team. Please follow those instructions to get in touch with them and you should be able to resolve your issue.
Hello Bill. As per our record you have purchased the new AVG Protection program for multidevice. Have you looked on you Subscription tab in your AVG My Account? This program will be present only in the subscription tab and not on products tab.

Hello Bill. Your product is: AVG Protection multidevice.

This product does not require a license number for activation, as it is activated using your AVG MyAccount that was created during your purchase. If you have already installed the product, please follow these steps to activate it:

Open AVG Zen (click Start - Programs - AVG Zen - AVG).
Click Connect in the top part of the window.
Click Connect to an existing Zen Network.
Fill in your AVG MyAccount login (your email address) and password, and then click Connect.
AVG Zen will recognize your subscription and your AVG product will be activated.
In case you have not installed your product yet, please click on the link below to see installation instructions for your product: